Why Heritage Girls School?

Yes, Heritage Girls School is indeed a traditional public school where we learn about all the things that lie between the covers of books. We learn to read, write, count, multiply and divide. We learn Pythagoras, we learn Bildungsroman. We learn to read musical notations, dance gracefully, speak good English, and identify minerals & elements by their properties. We swim, sprint, cycle, and kickball. But these are only some of the things that we imbibe during our stay in the Maitri & Gargi House a while. On day one itself, we are told that we are very important. That each one of us is a valuable member of the Heritage fraternity. Whatever happens, every ‘I’ matters in the scheme of things here.
Our opinions are important. Whenever decisions are made for us, we have a say in it. If I disagree, I have the liberty to voice my dissent, to put my ideas across, I have to be convinced of everything, because I am a stakeholder. Having said that, it is important that I must have my side of the argument ready if I need to be heard. So, critically evaluating everything is imperative. At Heritage Girls, we become serious thinkers at a young age. This school takes pains to persuade us that every girl is a leader. That she is born with qualities that put her at the forefront of things; traits that make her a leader of men. Leadership is her destiny and at Heritage, she is groomed for leadership. For greater things to come, to draw out her inherent talents. And opportunities are there every day to help sharpen them.
Respect is an important value in our school. Giving respect goes hand in hand with expecting respect. It is dinned everyone that every member of the fraternity deserves respect… the youngest child in the dorm, the helper in the kitchen, the teachers that mentor and the gardener in the vegetable plot. So we must speak politely, never forget our ‘pleases’ and ‘thank yous’ weigh our words before they come out of our lips, and be considerate at all times. An old-fashioned virtue, no doubt, but very, very important at Heritage. Building skills is a priority at Heritage. On a typical day at Heritage, we are trained to read, write, and speak, in mathematical skills, think creatively and critically, resolve conflicts and negotiate. We are encouraged to enunciate, speak correctly and persuasively and build on our vocabulary. We are shown how reading books is enriching and enjoyable, and taught to appreciate the nuances of language and style. The Cine Club screens films that teach us to appreciate and enjoy quality cinema and to speak about them intelligently.The Heritage girls learn how to be effective organizers and planners. The girls are, in turn, responsible for arranging assemblies, tournaments, competitions and DJ evenings. We plan menus, give valuable suggestions, and spearhead events.
The focus, at the end of it all, is to grow up into a well-rounded individual, competent, confident and resourceful. Good grooming is crucial at school.
It is instilled in us constantly that impressions count; and those first impressions are formed from grooming, deportment and attitude. Not for us the scruffy, unkempt look. Our turn-out is always neat and we take pains to practice good hygiene.
Our confidence shines through our smiles and our carriage; As young ladies, we are conscious of being Heritage ambassadors, so we put our best foot forward every time. Heritage girls like to stand out wherever they go.
The girls of Heritage Girls School are proud citizens of this beautiful country. We revel in our myriad traditions, and flaunt our diverse culture by celebrating our many festivals, colorful dances, mythical folklore and varied cuisine. We joyfully cheer every victory and achievement of our sports teams, scientists and entrepreneurs but understand that there is a lot to be done before India becomes a superpower.
Our endeavour everyday is to see that we raise the bar for ourselves so that we stand shoulder to shoulder with our counterparts around the world. Our education teaches us to shun superstitions and narrow prejudices, to celebrate differences and to embrace diversity.
Heritage grooms us to be women of substance, of sound values and impeccable character. We are keenly aware of our duties to our family, our community, our Alma Mater and above all to our country. We will strive to contribute to the economy of our country, and bring glory to her through our efforts. Preserving the planet is our responsibility as is to ensure equal opportunities for all.
We learn all this and much more, never for once forgetting that each one of us is … a phenomenal woman!