Good pastoral care at the Heritage Girls School is central to every girl’s intellectual, spiritual and emotional development. It is at the heart at what make education in this school, unique. The environment in the dormitory centres around the belief that the main objective of education is in building lasting human relationships that are sustained on the sheer strength of their foundation and on the time and effort invested in them. The ethos encourages a firm sense of community and helps to develop friendships that will be sustained and, in turn, be sustaining in life beyond the school.
The boarding experience gives the girls a chance to live and work alongside people from vastly varied backgrounds and states in India and from countries abroad is an enriching experience. The discipline and routine gives the girls opportunities to do chores and take on responsibilities that help them to become self-sufficient and independent. They learn to treat each other and all members of the community with kindness, sensitivity and respect.
All members of the pastoral community share the values and revel in the ethos created. The team responsible for pastoral care is headed by the Housemistress, essentially a teacher who ensures that the atmosphere in the House is healthy and happy She is a counselor accessible to the girls in times of distress or for academic guidance in the dorm.
The House mistress is assisted in her responsibilities by the Matron and Dorm nurses who take care of their daily needs and wellbeing ,thereby ensuring that dormitory life is smooth. The cozy, home-like atmosphere allows the girls to de-stress after a long day. The dormitories house three girls in each and are furnished with all facilities for comfort and utility. The common rooms are equipped with recreational facilities which the girls use during leisure time and serve to help in strengthening the bonding process of friends and house-mates. It is their home and the foundation of their group identity, a place they will look back with affection when they leave .
It is a traditional seven-day boarding schedule with an academic timetable with lessons from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Sunday is reserved for outings, activities and opportunities for pupils to catch up with themselves. House picnics and House nights organized from time to time ensures that the family feeling is sustained.

The boarding facility provides a homely environment. It is centrally air-conditioned. The accomadation comprises spacious, well furnished rooms with attached washrooms and changing rooms.
Provision also exists for 24-hour power supply with generator back-up. Common facilities within the boarding house include study rooms, T.V. and Recreation Room.

The school boasts of two centrally air-conditioned, 150-seater student residences, the Maitri House and the Gargi House. Both houses comprise three-seater rooms with all amenities like individual beds, study tables, wardrobes. A common room on every floor has a television set, indoor games and lounging areas.
The House Mistress is overall in-charge, while the Dorm -Parent takes care of the girls assisted by efficient dorm nurses. They ensure that the girls live in a warm, happy home-like atmosphere.There is an ambience of personal well-being in the Houses

With one on each floor in the Residence, this is where the boarders relax during their leisure hours and on holidays.
It is installed with cable TV, board games, comfortable loungers and newspapers& magazines.