Performing Art

Research shows the benefits of studying music and playing an instrument can be substantial If a child studies music constantly a while, they do better in school in all sorts of ways, including academic and social. Children who study music from an early age are seen to do better at a range of subjects such as maths, science, arts and language. They also learn that there are rewards for hard work, practice, and discipline.
Playing in a group, working together and developing negotiation skills are complex processes you have to work
through to build a certain confidence. Playing an instrument develops fine motor skills. It can also enhance a child's overall health and well-being, and increase stamina. Children learn to embrace other cultures through their music. The curriculum for Music at Heritage Girls makes it mandatory for every student to learn to play an instrument. They have a variety to choose from- Keyboard, Spanish & Hawaiin Guitar, Recorder, Drums, Accordion or any of the Indian Wind & Percussion instruments. They appear for the Trinity College of Music Examinations.

The Heritage Dance Society gives the students three Indian Classical Dance forms to choose from- Odissi, Bharatanatyam and Kathak. These dances are an excellent form of exercise as it includes yoga-based stretching, and aerobic and high-endurance movement levels. Besides the basic grammar of movement, in pure dance or nritta, the focus is on developing speed, strength and stamina.
Indian Classical Dance requires intense and perfect body and mind coordination. This develops higher mental abilities and students have been seen to perform well academically
(in non-arts subjects) as well, despite having less time on hands than others besides owing to the cultural and traditional origin of dance, it also provides a feeling of cultural identity. and rootedness.
The students are given opportunities to perform at various forums to improve their skills and to test the waters. They are exposed to world-class performances through agencies like Spic Macay in order to raise the bar for their own.

The performance of theatre is a universal cultural phenomenon that exists in every society around the world. Theatre teaches us how to express ourselves more effectively. It develops our ability to communicate our thoughts and feelings to others, improving our relationships and improving the world around us.
Performance permeates every aspect of our everyday lives at Heritage Girls School. The girls use role play to present their points of view during Assemblies and Class Presentations. Prominent theatre personalities visit the school and hold
workshops to improve the communication skills of the students. The Annual Inter-House One Act Play competitions are much-awaited events and girls with each other to participate. The school stages satires, comedies and musicals on a regularly