School Policies

- All girls must report on the notified date at the beginning of the term
- Delay in reporting without permission will result in consequences as decided by the Principal/Discipline Committee
- The Heritage Girls School is a fully residential school; all students reside in the Maitri House & Gargi House.
- Parents/guardians are required to read the school rules as mentioned in the Policy Booklet given during Admissions to familiarize themselves with the expectations. Ignorance of school rules will not be accepted as an excuse for non-compliance.
- Visitors are not allowed to visit the Boarding House.
- If there are no local guardians for girls, parents are requested to mention the name and address of a close relative/responsible person who could be contacted in case of an emergency.
- No cash, tuck or valuables are allowed in school. This is a rule which must be strictly adhered to.
- Possession of cell phones/narcotic substances/ alcohol/cash is strictly prohibited.
- Educational tours are organized during the term as a part of the academic programme every year. These are escorted trips and all students must participate.
- International trips, like tours to NASA, and exchange programmes abroad are also organized from time to time. These trips are optional and are for selected students only.
- Exchange programmes with schools in International locations are organized from time to time. The students who have been selected for these trips will only be eligible to participate. The selection process is done by a panel of teachers and the Principal.
- Sufficient notice regarding the duration and approximate estimation of the cost incurred for these trips will be given to parents. Leave will not be granted to the student during this period for any other reason.
- Parents/relatives are not allowed to go to meet the students at these destinations.
- Permission to be taken out by relatives/parents will not be entertained during excursions/trips.
Girls are not allowed to leave the campus without permission. Any girl doing so will be deemed to have broken bounds and may be suspended or even expelled.
- Only visitors who are close relatives and have been authorized by parents (in writing) are allowed to meet their wards on the stipulated days and holidays mentioned in the school calendar. A telephone message will not be accepted. Visitors are not permitted on any other day whatsoever. Visitors are requested not to linger beyond the stipulated time thereby making it necessary for staff on duty to have to request them to leave.
- Visitors are requested to meet the Principal/Housemistress before meeting their wards. No Visitors are allowed to meet any girl without the permission of the Housemistress/Principal.
- Visitors will meet the students in the school visiting room/lobby only. They are not permitted to walk around in the campus or visit the hostel.
The school calendar registers one weekend off in six weeks. The students can be received after classes (1: 45 pm) on Friday and have to report before 5 pm on Sunday. Efforts are made, while making the calendar, to coincide the weekend off with a festival if it falls at the end of a week. However, this is not always possible.
There are no holidays for any other festival except Diwali. All national holidays and festivals are celebrated here and parents are not permitted to visit the student on any other day than the stipulated ones.
It is optional to take the students out during the scheduled weekend off. Recreation and outings are organized in the school itself for students who stay back.
Only parents are allowed to receive the student for any weekend or any other outing that entails a night out. The Local guardian can only receive the student on Sunday at 9 am.
Failure to report back at the stipulated time will result in the withdrawal of privileges.
The student will not be permitted to go out with a driver, friend, cousin or parents of other students. Kindly do not make any such requests.
- The Principal reserves the right to withhold permission for an outing with any person, even though authorized by the parents if she feels necessary to do so in the interests of the girl/or the School.
- Parents and grandparents are requested to ensure that girls do not move about town unescorted on outing days.
- Misbehavior and unbecoming conduct in the town during outings is not appreciated.
Timings – 1.30 P.M. Saturday to 1.45 P.M. on Sunday. Girls returning late will forfeit all outings for the following month. - Saturdays are full working days. However, a girl going out for a night outing will be permitted to leave only after 1.30 P.M provided her presence is not required for a school event or an extra class.
Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs) and Outings scheduled on designated weekends facilitate visits by parents to a residential school to meet the staff and their wards.
Parents and guardians can have an update on their ward’s progress through inputs from HM/ Academic Coordinator and subject teachers through e-mails and interaction during PTMs.
Arranging a Zoom meeting with prior permission is possible with the particular teacher and the parent.
PTMs are generally scheduled on days that coincide with either the Founder’s Day or the Annual Athletic Meet. These will be indicated in the School Calendar. (Please check the school calendar posted on the website for the designated PTM days.)
VENUE | Academic Block and Activity Block |
TIMINGS | As indicated in the circular |
Following are the guidelines and procedures to facilitate parents applying for leave other than those mentioned in the School calendar.
Notwithstanding the type of leave and its admissibility, leave is not a right but a privilege given to children.
1.Medical Leave
- Medical leave may be granted on medical grounds for which the leave application needs to be addressed to the RMO
- Period of leave- As ascertained by the RMO and approved by the Principal
- Authority to Sanction Leave: The RMO will recommend the Medical Leave to the Principal who will be the sanctioning authority. Parents and HMs will be informed by the RMO
2.Wedding Leave
- Wedding leave may be granted in case of marriage of an immediate family member (blood relation). The relatives would fall in the aforesaid category:-
- Real brother and real sister.
- Immediate uncle or aunt (paternal and maternal).
- Period of leave
- Wedding - Three days (including travel).
- Journey- actual journey period by the shortest and most convenient route/ mode of transport.
- Leave will be sanctioned by the Principal / Vice Principal only if the wedding card is affixed to the application which has to reach at least 15 days in advance.
- Leave will not be granted for a wedding if an examination or important school function coincides with the date. ( Please refer to the school calendar)
- Leave for a wedding of a relative will be granted only once in an academic year
3.Compassionate Leave
- Leave will be granted in case of an unfortunate demise of an immediate family member. The following would fall into this category
- Parents
- Real brother and real sister
- Immediate uncle and aunt ( paternal and maternal)
- Grandparents (paternal and maternal)
- Period of leave
- Condolence ceremonies – two days
- Journey - actual journey period by the shortest and most convenient route/ mode of transport.
- Authority to Sanction Leave: is the Principal.
- A special privilege of an extra Sunday off will be granted on the week of the student’s birthday
- Parents can take their child for lunch. The Child can be picked up from the school for lunch and can be dropped back at school after lunch.
- A special privilege of an extra Sunday off will be granted on the week of the student’s birthday.
- An outing will not be given for a birthday falling during the weekdays.
- Leave for ‘Mundan’, Special poojas, ‘GrahPravesh, ‘Anniversaries’ ‘Birthdays’ and Festivals etc. will not be entertained and parents should not expect a reply/ response to their requests either
- Extending any leave without the sanction of the Principal will result in the withdrawal of boarding privileges