Mission and Vision

Heritage Girls School aspires to provide an enabling environment that is intellectually stimulating and culturally rich, where every girl strives to find her purpose in life to be of value to society. To nurture a questioning mind, an uncompromising sense of fairplay, and a deep concern for the less fortunate and for the environment we live in.
An enabling environment refers to an atmosphere that gives the girls opportunities to experiment, innovate and learn; where they have the freedom to articulate their thoughts, speak their minds, and choose their direction.
Everything the girls do and everywhere they go has to be an opportunity to learn, to think, and to grow. They are challenged to think critically, to reason, and to come up with ideas that are theirs. The intellectually stimulating environment at Heritage Girls ensures this at all times.
The environment at Heritage Girls School is culturally rich in that it seeks out all that is new, rich and unfamiliar; revels in celebrating differences and encourages embracing diversity so as to enrich oneself.
Every human being is born for a purpose; and to finding one’s purpose in life is of vital importance. At Heritage Girls School, the students are exposed to myriad experiences so as to help them touch lives and to find their purpose.
One of the most important objectives of education is to create agents of change who will be able to improve the fabric of society to make a better world. Whatever the girls learn here is directed towards being of lasting value to society and the world at large. Heritage Girls School is committed to molding lifelong learners, who will carry the flame of knowledge all their lives, wherever they go, igniting the minds of people around them. This is possible only if one is able to cultivate a questioning mind, to question superstitions & archaic practices and to shun ignorance.
An uncompromising sense of fair play: In a world that is not always just or fair, it is easy to get carried away, to forsake one’s values. Early in their lives, it is ingrained in the girls that any kind of injustice and unfairness is unacceptable, be it in the classroom, sports field, or in the society they will live in. It is in their hands to make it possible.
The foremost value that we, at Heritage Girls School insist upon is, gratitude. The girls realize that they are lucky to be born into a wonderful family, to be able to enjoy good education, and to have a life filled with abundance. They are conscious that they owe it to themselves to share these blessings with those that are less privileged than they are. Community service is thus a part of their daily routine, as is a deep awareness that looking after the environment and the planet they live on is their prime responsibility.
Heritage Girls School is committed to these goals and strives to work towards their realization.