Thank you for taking the time to explore our school. There is a world of information for you to discover. The best school for girls is out there, and you have taken an important first step to help you narrow down the selection. Finding the right “fit” when searching for an independent school is critical. All schools have certain strengths – and weaknesses - and as a family, it is your job to ask the right questions and delve beyond the rhetoric to uncover the true spirit of the school. Our school comes alive when you walk the campus. If what you see on our site piques your interest, visit us. Come see for yourself where we shine.
True to our mission, we focus on “each girl’s success” and we deliver on that promise. At no other time in your daughter’s life will so many caring educators be so invested in building her success as a student, a leader, an athlete, an artist, a rider and an adventurer.
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